Downe village

Downe lottery
The Aim
The main purpose is to raise money for 'worthy' causes in the village, with the added opportunity to win prizes. The prize money is 50% of the monthly monies raised - so clearly, the more lottery shares sold, the more money in the prize pot, and the more money raised for Downe. The Downe Lottery Committee (see below) agrees and invites bids for funding, and details are published on Downe Mailing, on the Downe Village web site and in The Parish Magazine.
How it works
After receiving a completed standing order form, the Lottery Promoter allocates the applicant a set of six numbers for every £2 monthly share purchased. The lottery is based on football results - prizes will be awarded to the holder(s) of the share numbers that week which match the teams with the highest scores. If there are no winners that week, the money rolls over.
Each subscriber to the lottery can purchase “shares”. One share will cost £2 per month entered. Therefore £10 per month will get you five shares, or five lots of share numbers.
A share consists of three unique two-digit numbers allocated to you randomly (eg 05, 09, 14) that will be entered into the draw each weekend of that month (most months contain 4 weekends, but occasionally 5 weekends - this is a bonus, and no additional cost for the 5 draw months).
The lottery uses football results each week to calculate a set of winning numbers. The system does not rely on teams or any allegiance to a team - the idea is to purely produce random winning share numbers each week.
Each weekend, your numbers will correspond to three teams - easily identifiable from the "lottery card" (see below). Each week the teams move along the grid, so the teams that your share numbers correspond to change weekly.
If the numbers that your team relates to are the three highest scoring that week, you win. If more than three teams are joint highest scoring, the prize will be split between all winners (subject to a minimum of £10) - anything lower than this will be put back into the pot and rolled over to the following week.
Shares must be purchased by standing order from your bank on the first of each month, and winnings will be paid at the end of the month back into your bank account. You can either set up a standing order yourself (via electronic banking) or we can forward to your bank. Either way, the standing order form is needed (see below)
Lottery funded good causes
Originally set up to help fund the replacement of 13 street lights with "heritage style" columns and lanterns in 2015/2016, the lottery has continued to fund good causes. The list of these since 2018 is as follows - comprising some £5,400 spent as of October 2023:
Installation of a bench in Downe orchard
Contribution to Remembrance costs
Payment for Internet in Downe village hall
Contribution to the Downe Information board
Donation to St Mary's Church
Donation to Downe Primary School
Donation to Charles Darwin foodbank
Purchase of Downe Neighbourhood Watch stickers
Donation to Royal British Legion
Purchase of defibrillator battery
Payment for the refurbishment of village benches
To apply
Please email Tony Dixon, at for a standing order form (or print one off below) and return to one of the addresses on the form. You can set up your standing order (a) online or (b) send the form back to Tony to send to your bank. Full details are on the form.
Either way, Tony will need a completed form back before allocating your numbers.
We hope that you will join us in supporting Downe and have a bit of fun working out if you have won the jackpot!
The Lottery Committee
Tony Dixon (lottery co-ordinator)
Steve Barnes
Jim Trott
Abigail Rutherford (via the Village Club) is the promoter/licence holder
Download the standing order instruction
This standing order form acts as both your application form and (if necessary) we can send it to your bank
Data privacy notice - by completing the Downe Lottery standing order instruction you are agreeing (by ticking the relevant box) to your personal details being held and processed for the purposes of the Downe Lottery. Should you become a winner, you will receive an e-mail notification and the bank account details supplied will be used to pay your winnings. You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the lottery co-ordinator - Tony Dixon - at
Your personal details are safe with us - the Downe Lottery Data Privacy policy can be found here.... (the Data Controller is Tony Dixon)
Download the lottery card
The lottery card is used to match the top scoring teams each week against a grid of changing numbers (new card for 2017/2018)
Read the rules of the lottery
The rules of the lottery can be seen here
The Downe Lottery is operated under licence from Bromley Council