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Village organisations

St Mary’s church

Further information – contact (TBA)

Baptist church

Further information – contact Glen Hanna: 


Downe Residents’ Association Committee

Exists to represent and improve conditions for residents as well as aim for protection of the greenbelt and conservation area.  All residents of the parish are automatically members of Downe Residents’ Association.  The Committee members are Dave Evans, Joanna Clark, Simon Farron, Declan Wells,  Kwan Phung, Philip Lapper, Andy Brackstone, Simon McDowell, Nick Cutmore, Tony Young


Further information – contact:


Downe Village Hall Trustees

The trustees manage the village hall for the community – the hall was given to the village by the Lubbock family.  The trustees are Fran Grant (chair), Jim Grant (vice chair), John Isbell (treasurer), Steve Barnes (secretary), Jean Rothwell, Sylvia Snipp, Dan Kelly, Tony Dixon, Kwan Phung, Sarah Courtney, Lyulph Avebury


Further information – contact Fran Grant (chair):


Downe Village Club

The Village Club exists to raise funds for the Christmas Lights and other worthy causes – particularly via the annual Duck Race.  The committee members are  Natasha Brooks, Paul Gubby,  Jayne Carroll, Abigail Rutherford, Kay Tremain, Karen Kroese, Jane Wells  


Further information – contact Natasha Brooks (chair):


Downe Lottery

The Lottery was originally set up to fund the heritage street lights, and continues to fund local good causes.  Past funding has gone to the St Marys church, Downe Primary school, the village information board, local foodbank, Village Hall internet etc.  The Lottery committee are Tony Dixon, Jim Trott, Steve Barnes


Further information – contact Tony Dixon (Lottery co-ordinator):  



Friends of Downe Orchard

The Friends group is responsible for the maintenance of the orchard, and related activities – ie harvesting and making and selling apple juice.  The Friends comprise Paul Knight, Declan Wells, Julian Moore, Zoe Knight, Andrew Hinds, Nicky Howard, Dave Shilling, Frances Shilling, John Fisher, Alex Thom, Kay Tremain, Nick Cutmore, Paul Gubby, Monika Thaler, Steve Barnes, Neil Alcorn


Further information – contact the orchard e-mail:


Friends of St Mary’s

This is a group to raise funds to support St Mary’s Church, not the daily running costs but for equipment and building maintenance.  We have now been operating very successfully for 13 years, but not since the Lockdown which has curtailed our activities. We will be back in action this year.  


We need more support in our activities so if you are interested please contact Julian Benington at          or phone 07777 604330. 


Downe Time magazine

The quarterly village magazine has an editorial/organising committee comprising Neil Alcorn, Mary Aquilina, Nick Cutmore, Anwen Gibbs and Steve Barnes


Further information – contact Neil Alcorn (editor):


Downe WI

Downe WI has been meeting in Downe for the last 104 years.  Our main focus is the monthly meeting held on the second Tuesday in the month in the Village Hall at 2.30pm.   We usually have a speaker or demonstration followed by tea and cakes.   We also have groups that get together for craft, walks, art,  darts, yoga, theatre, cinema.  Our WI is part of a larger group of WI's in Kent called West Kent Federation and they offer many events. We also receive a magazine from the National WI giving us interesting information from all over the country.  New members are very welcome.


Further information – contact Diana Davis:   01689 857085 or


Downe Bellringers

Bell ringing has been happening in Downe for hundreds of years.  There are six bells, two of which are around 600 years old and one around 500 years old.  The other 3 bells were added in 1903.  We currently only have a small number of Downe ringers so we have teamed up with the Cudham ringers.  This enables us to ring on the 1st Sunday of the month in both Downe and Cudham, as well as key dates such as Christmas and Easter.  Practice sessions are on Mondays 7pm to 8.30pm.  The 1st and 3rd Mondays are in Cudham, 2nd and 4th in Downe.  If you like the sound of Church Bells and would like to join us or would like to find out more about the bells, we would love to hear from you.


Further information - contact Caryn Newell:



Friends of Downe Primary School

Claire Bellinger:    contact TBA


Business in Downe

This group aims to support local businesses and business people through regular networking and learning meetings. All are welcome!

Further information – contact Sally Wells (chair):


Downe Art Club

Our aim is to develop creativity in a relaxed and sociable setting. We are tutor led, focusing on mainly painting and drawing, and are open to people with all levels of experience in art.


Further information - contact Janice Campbell: 


Downe Cricket Club

The club has one team and play friendly matches – mostly at the ground in Luxted Road - every Sunday during the season.  Visitors are welcome


Further information – contact Bob Holden:

Downe Arounders

Amateur dramatics - further information:  Derek Robinson

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