Downe village

Downe help page
To contact Darwin Safer Neighbourhood team (Met Police)
Tom Metcalf is the PC for Darwin Ward supported by PCSO Jodie Woodgate
The telephone number for the Darwin Safer Neighbourhoods Team is 0208 721 2603 which is a mobile that officers carry around whilst on shift (not 24hrs/ 7 days a week though).
Darwin SNT e-mail address:
The best way to contact police is on the 101 number (for non-emergency), but if you feel you need an immediate response or have been threatened, you should dial 999.
To report flytipping
If anyone discovers a flytip - especially if blocking the road, causing a hazard or blocking a bus route - it should be reported via the emergency phone number (which is managed on behalf of Bromley Council):
0300 303 8658 (during office hours)
0300 303 8671 (out of hours)
You can also request a reference number.
If it is non urgent, use Fix My Street:
Bromley Council Transport & Highways (for reporting or querying roadworks etc)
Phone numbers:
Streetworks team - 0208 313 4935
Ben Howard (Traffic Officer) - 07951 071248
Amy Ward (Traffic Officer) - 07462 908092
e-mail (if e-mailing, copy to all three addresses):
Found a stray dog ?
Bromley Council are required under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to pick up stray dogs reported to them. They will respond by attending the premises where the dog is being held and attempt to locate the owner by checking for dog tags, microchips etc.
Contact the Council (or read for further information) here:
You might try ringing Darwin Safer Neighbourhood Team – on 0208 721 2603. If available, they may be able to come out to attend to the situation. It is accepted though that it is likely the dogs may be long gone by the time any call-out is completed.
Failing the above (or even in addition) you can call the Police on 101 and have the incident logged – though there may be a telephone queue. However, dial 999 straight away if there is ANY danger to a person (i.e. on the road, in a garden etc)
(Note – unfortunately, the RSPCA do not have resources to collect healthy stray dogs)
IMPORTANT – advice from the police and the RSPCA website is to be careful as a lost dog could be scared or distressed – particularly if penned in. If you are unsure, do not approach the dogs yourself
To report water leaks in Downe:
via the Thames Water website:
ALSO - Bromley Council advice is to report the leak via the "Fix My Street" facility on Bromley Council website:
To report rogue traders:
Contact Bromley Trading Standards via 07903 852090
To report fraud and internet crime:
UK fraud and internet crime reporting or 0300 1232040
To report an injured dog or deer
- dial the police on 101
- or contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234999
To report bus service disruption on the R8 and 146
If buses are unnecessary on diversion this needs to be reported to TFL and they will arrange for the route to be driven/risk assessed to check if the route is open and if buses can safely use the route again.
The public contact for TFL for buses is:
TFL Customer Services
0343 222 1234
Obviously, if this is during working hours then let me know and I will chase for you, but if the buses are ever suspended over the weekend/evenings or you are unable to get hold of me, then feel free to use this contact info"
Ben Howard, Traffic Officer
Transport & Highways | Environmental & Community Services London Borough of Bromley
07951 071248
To report inappropriate HGVs in Downe village
Where you spot a large HGV in the area that is not connected with local business, try to capture the name of the company and the vehicle number plate. This information can then be passed onto Cllr Jonathan Andrews, who says he will only be too happy to follow up. Cllr Andrews can be e-mailed:
To comment on incidents relating to Biggin Hill Airport.
Ring: 01959 578580
Also advise by email:
the leader of Bromley Council,
the 'comments' portfolio holder** on the Biggin Hill Consultative Committee
and our Darwin ward Councillor Jonathan Andrews
BHAL is bound by the existing Lease to take off and landing times and also engine run up time (engine run up time is a maximum 15 minutes)
The current Lease times are:
Week days: 7.30am to 9.00pm
"Shoulder hours" for Biggin Hill based aircraft 6.30am to 10.00pm
Weekends: 9.00am to 8.00pm
Contacts for utility company issues
Thames Water
Community Engagement -
Streetworks Manager -
UK Power Networks
Streetworks Manager -
Southern Gas Networks
Senior Manager – South East -
Virgin Media
To contact Bromley Council tree department
Phone: 0208 464 3333 ext 3229, 3226 or 3200)
Responsibilities & who does what ?
[None of these lists is exhaustive and before contacting an elected representative residents should attempt to resolve any problems using the advertised channels on the website of the public body concerned].
Bromley Council
All roads (except for the A232)
Street lighting –
[routine problems should be logged on ‘Fix My Street’].
Refuse collection, waste and recycling sites
Public protection, licensing, Weights and Measures, environmental health, noise
Public Health
Bromley schools are academies and any problems should be raised in the first instance with the head teacher. Subsequently if a matter remains unresolved, the governing body. The Council remains responsible for school places, special education, children with medical needs who are unable to attend school.
in the first instance problems should be raised with operator Greenwich Leisure
Leisure Centres
- in the first instance problems should be raised with the operator –
Bromley Mytime
- in the first instance problems should be raised with the operator idverde
Children and adult Social services
Homelessness and housing waiting list
Greater London Authority, the London Assembly and the Mayor of London
Any major ‘A’ roads which are on the Transport for London Road Network
Strategic planning for London
Transport for London
problems regarding bus services should initially be raised the operator.
Metropolitan Police
problems should initially be raised with Bromley Borough Chief Superintendent
Fire Service
problems should initially be raised with the Borough commander
Members of Parliament
All national government matters
Foreign Office
Government agencies, eg DVLA etc
Parliament & Health Ombudsman references
[Note: note the MP has no jurisdiction or influence over planning matters, local council or the powers and responsibilities of the Mayor of London. Nor has the MP any responsibilities for consumer matters regarding commercial companies.]