Downe village
Residents' Association
The aim of Downe Residents' Association is to maintain the feel of our historic village and to improve facilities for the benefit of all residents. All residents of Downe parish are automatically members of the Residents' Association, and the Committee aim to represent all residents interests.
The committee members are:
Dave Evans / Jo Clark (awaiting further information about Committee membership)
The committee is pleased to also have our guest - Cllr Jonathan Andrews - attend their meetings on behalf of Bromley Council
Various "portfolio" responsibilities are spread amongst the committee:
Planning sub-committee
Road Safety
Police matters (Jo Clark)
Biggin Hill Airport (non-committee member Zoe Knight attends Biggin Hill Airport Consultative Committee)
St Mary's Church (TBA)
Village School (TBA)
Village Hall
Downe Mailing, website and Facebook
Committee meetings (2023)
Tues 31 Jan
Weds 22 March (AGM)
Tues 23 May
Tues 18 July
Tues 19 September
Tues 21 November
Constitution of the Residents' Association
On the 15 May 2018, a special EGM voted in a new constitution. The first version (version 1) was adopted on condition further recommended changes from residents were subsequently made. At the AGM on 29 March 2019, a new version (incorporating those changes) was approved - this is below.
Committee meeting minutes
(copies of minutes not available here can be obtained from the Webmaster - contact below)
Current (2023) key issues / projects
(for more information, contact the Residents' Association via the contact form below)
Planning - the ongoing monitoring of all planning applications in Downe submitted to Bromley Council
Fibre Broadband - now complete
Road Safety (including parking) - lobbying Bromley Council for road safety improvements (see report in panel below)
Past projects led by the Committee
Implementation of heritage street lights (instead of modern steel units)
Assets of Community Value status applied on George & Dragon and the Queen's Head
Biggin Hill airshow - discounted residents tickets / privileged access
Implementation of the Downe information board (village green)
Landway PROW application
Assisted in setting up the co-ordination team to look after vulnerable villagers during the pandemic
Thames Water pressure reduction system
Fast broadband (stage 1 – with £65,000 from Bromley Council) implemented
Fibre broadband (stage 2) implemented
Constant involvement in trying to solve stray dogs problems
Downe Conservation Area Policy
Issued by Bromley Council in 2009 - covers the "dos and don'ts of the Conservation Area
Committee reports
Road safety plan for Downe village - The Downe Residents' Association Committee has been lobbying Bromley Council for some years about road safety improvements in the area, and a number of requests have been made. We have had only limited success, but are still trying. With some recent incidents in Shire Lane, it was decided to put all the requests and reports to the Council into one single document. So, everything created since 2019 is now in one place. This document has been presented to Bromley Council, and hopefully will form some sort of plan for our area, and focus discussions with the Council.
Other committee documents:
Residents' Association planning - the approach the committee takes is in this document.....
Two motions (preservation of Green Belt and Biggin Hill airport - voted on at every AGM)
Fill in the relevant contact box below to send an e-mail to Steve Barnes (webmaster)
If you wish to join Downe Mailing, please use the brown button at the very bottom of this page, not this contact form
Downe mailing
This is an e-mail update for the village. If you would like to subscribe to Downe Mailing, please click on the button below and fill out the form - this will direct you to our "Mailchimp" system. Once the form is submitted, you will be e-mailed asking you to confirm your subscription request. By submitting (and confirming) in this way you agree to your email address being held and processed by Downe Residents’ Association in order to receive Downe Mailing e-mails. You can unsubscribe at any time by using the "unsubscribe" feature at the foot of a Downe Mailing e-mail.
Your personal details are safe with us - the Residents' Association data privacy policy can be found here....
Downe Mailing (and this website) is sponsored by the Downe Residents' Association.